SOA 11g installation on Window Machine
Hello Friends,
These are steps which can help to install 11g on Window Machine, I will recommend to use 64 bit Window (Win 7 ultimate would be best option ) with more then 4 GB RAM for better performance.
1.Install JDK
No need to choose any option press next,next.... finish.
2.Install Oracle XE Database
1. extract OracleXE112_Win32 to OracleXE112_Win32 folder
2. after extraction goto disk1-->setup
3. press next.. next.. if its prompts for password give manager(or any password you want)
4. press ok for any popups.
5. finish
3. after installing DB, if it is XE version then.
1. gotoStartmenu->allprograms-> OracleDatabase11g ExpressEdition -> Run SQl Command line.
1.1. Execute the below scripts one by one in sql prompt.
conn sys/manager (password which you have used before) as sysdba
alter system set processes=1000 scope=spfile;
alter system set sga_target=350M scope=spfile;
alter system set sga_max_size=350M scope=spfile;
4. Install RCU.
1. extract ofm_rcu_win_11. to ofm_rcu_win_11. folder
2. goto ofm_rcu_win_11. -> rcuHome-> BIN
3. right click on rcu.bat select run as administrator.
4. click next,next.
5. Provide following details.
1. HostName : localhost
2. port : 1521
3. Service Name : xe
4. username : sys
5. password : manager (password which you have used before)
6. click next, ignore the prompt and press ok.
7. In the next screen select Soa and BPM infrastructure check box. press next and ok.
8. provide the db password as,next press ok for the prompt.
9. press Create.
5. After installing RCU execute the below scripts one by one in sql propmt.
conn sys/manager(password which you have used before) as sysdba
Grant select on sys.dba_pending_transactions to dev_soainfra;
Grant force any transaction to dev_soainfra;
6. Install weblogic Server
1. Download jar wls1036_generic.jar and double click on it
2. which will take some time to load wait until it loads.
3. Create FMW folder in cdrive and provide the path as follows C:\FMW\Oracle\Middleware and press next
4. Uncheck the check box available. press yes for any prompts.
5. Check I wish to Un Informed... and press continue, next.
6. Browser your JDK location it seems to be C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_23
7. press next,next.. Uncheck runquick start and press done.
7. Install Soa Server
1. extract ofm_soa_generic_11. into ofm_soa_generic_11.
2. extract ofm_soa_generic_11. into ofm_soa_generic_11.
3. goto folder and copy disk4 and disk5 into ofm_soa_generic_11.
4. then goto disk1->install->win64 and double click on setup.
5. Inthe next black screen provide the jdk patha it seems to be C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_23 press enter.
6. One wizard will be loaded, press next, and select "skipsoftware updates" and next.
7. press next.....install.
8. configure the domain (Creation of Server)
1. goto allprograms->oralce weblogic->oralacel weblogic 11gR1->tools-> configuration wizard. oracle soa suite for developers and Oracle Enterprise manager.
3. Provide the domain Name as soa_domain and press enter.
4. privide the password and confirm password as welcome1, next,next.
5.provide the following details
service : xe
host name : localhost
port: 1521
password: manager
note: dont touch schema owner.
6. press next which will test the connection to the schema if all are success press next.. next.. create.
9. then start the server
1. goto C:\FMW\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\soa_domain\bin
2. right click on startWebLogic.cmd and select send to -> desktop(create shortcut)
3. goto desktop and double click on startWebLogic short click, then your server will start.
10. After the server entered into Running Mode, open http://localhost:7001/em in browser
1.provide the username/password as weblogic/welcome1.
2.If There is a Soa folder displays then your instllation is success.
11. Install Jdeveloper.
1. double click on jdevstudio11116install, wait for some time which will take more time
2. Select ceate new middleware home, provide the following path : C:\Jdeveloper\Oracle\Middleware
3. next, next. Browser JDK Location and next..... Uncheck run Quickstart, done.
12. start Jdeveloper
1. goto startmenu-> type Jdev in search box then click on Jdeveloper11.1.1.6..
2. select DefaultRole click ok.
3. Select ok or close all the popups
4. Apply Soa Patches
1. goto help->checkfor updates.
2. next,cancel the propup,
3. select coseformlocaldrive, browse your next finish.
4. restart your Jdeveloper to apply the changes.
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